Right now Sital and me made some more storyboards, and we put together some more ideas in terms of the variety of shots, music, and props. We've got a good idea what order our scenes will come in and when we want our opening credits to come in our TV series. Still haven't thought of a name for the TV series yet.
Hopefully this coming week we should get the camera equipment on Monday and then we are planning to film a scene in the LRA where Jas will be staring at Rabia but focussing on Kashif so its not completely obvious that his character is gay but it will be implied that his character is a homosexual.
We should have our cameras by then and during this week we would like to get our first scene with Rabia, Jas and Kashif in the Lra.
Any filming that will happen will happen Monday, Wednesday an Friday after school.
If possible to film Jas's morning scenes during the week.
If we look at the first 4 second of this video we see the opening credits to the TV series Vampire Diaires. This links to our production as ours to will be an opening to a TV series, however we were concerned about the opening credits and how we'd do our own.
The credits are simple and normally come after 3/4 minutes after the show has started.
For example the show itself will begin but then there will be a cliff hanger and then the 4 seconds credits will follow then the rest of the show will.
This is something we will be incorporating into our own production. However ours will go like this:
The show will start with the scene were Dilli is burning in the fire but we only see her hand. It will then cut to the credit title and then we will finish off with the rest of the scenes.
However this is not fixed shots and ordering as we are still in the process of planning and it may be likely to change due to the types of shots we would like to include, for example the graphic image shot.
We have already started to build our ideas up and the production has begun to take shape within our minds. Our main goal for this week is to storyboard all the important and vital scenes and work out which order we want them to take place. Also to begin thinking of filler shots to link each scene together.
Goal: Have the production completely outlined and to have nearly completed story-boarding
The opening scene is of a dear, this confusing the audience as we don't understand what is actually going on. Also it does not match the non digect sound of the voice over done by the main character. This is something we would like re incorporate into our own production. The scene ends with the dear being caught by what looks like a human and a fade to white and cuts to a pan down hot from the sun tote protagonist. This again is a shot we were thinking to add into our production however our beginning would be from the flames of the fire to the sun.
By having a scene which would make no sense to the audience at the beginning of the production it straight captures the audiences attention and makes them feel uncomfortable because of the uncertainty.
The quick cut shots create intensity and confuses the audience complete as it doesn't make sense. It is an unusual way of starting a film thus capturing interest right away.
It does not give the plot away or that Edward Cullen is a Vampire, something we would not want to make obvious to the audience in the opening scene to our movie. How it is hinted as the capturing of the dear. Also the camera angle and shot is a point of view shot at the beginning as we see the dear. This makes the audience feels as if they are in the shoes of the "predictor" and gives a slightly scary tone to the film. it is then switched to a long shot of Edward capturing the dear.
Towards the end we are finally introduce to Bella and this calms the audience down as we realize who is talking, who the voice over is and as it is a female introduced the audience will more likely be able to relate to her.
We begun to storyboard our production but only scenes we had pictured in our minds. We didn't know where they'd come or the order but we knew we wanted the scene within our production.
Our Ideas -Rough Planning
A scene we created which will come during the course of the production to hint and link in with out Critical Investigations.
Dilli & Jas; Anaam is their evil eldest sister, but because of problems between them they do not talk to her.
Dilli & Rabia - Rabia is playing the bitchy back stabbing 'friend'.
Gay crush:
Jas & Kashif - Jas has a serious crush on Kashif, who kind of knows, but Kashif is extremely homophobic and hates Jas.
Jas is the lonely, mysterious guy who is secretly gay, but it is hinted to the audience through the use of his phone background and point of view shots of him focussing on Kashif.